
Planning for the construction of my local TV news report:

Soft News Story Brief Plans:

For our soft news story stories we made a brief plan for the soft news story. To begin with our draft was brief as we had already created a bulletin of possible things that we would need to cover on our recording day, we have also chosen to use this original bulletin as a plan for our recording day. Our report covers a news signing that local football team Birmingham City have made and then our report will move onto the rise in apprenticeships where we will talk about a recent increase in apprenticeships and then finally we will have a weather report hosted by one of our female classmates. Below is a drawing that me and my partner put together that shows the story headlines, filming locations and the names of the people that we will need to record to complete each task.

Broadcast Running Order:

For my running order I created a storyboard, this story board clearly shows the order of the news broadcast and a brief recap of the things that will be coved throughout each section.


After creating the running order that is located in the story board above it came to our attention that there was no continuity within our report, this is something that me and my partner had to address otherwise our news report would not look professional at all. The issue with the continuity was that the 2 anchors appear as different characters in the report on multiple occasions which is an issue as it doesn't make any sense for the anchor to also be playing the role of a footballer. To correct this issue me and partner looked into getting some different people that we know to play the roles of some of the different characters that will appear throughout our report. For example we have bought my partner cousin in to play the role of a football fan as this would make more sense and lead to there being better continuity than if it was one of the 2 anchors. Finally me and my partner decided to remove the scene where we visited a construction site, this was to ensure that our report lasted the requested 5 minutes and didn't go over this allocated time.

Finalised Story Ideas:

Here are the 2 soft news stories that we have decided to cover for our news report. The dialogue that we have written out for each scene may not be 100% accurate as we may have better ideas on location during the recording of the scenes, this has been done to ensure that we are not restricted by a script and that we can put all of our best ideas into practice. Up to this point I have been very happy with the planning of the news broadcast and the stories that we have done and for these reasons I do not think that either the order of the stories or the stories themselves will be changing. The fact that we have pre planned our stories and the order of them will make filming and editing the stories a much easier and quicker process.

Applying News Values and Narrative Theory to My News Script:

Here I have taken an extract from my class note book, this shows clearly how I have implemented a narrative theory into my news stories. The main reason for me doing this is to ensure that my stories are professional written and I can do this by using Roland Barthes' Enigma code theory. 

Final Script:

Here here is the script that I typed up for my partner and I, it allowed us to rehearse our lines before going into the recording day which strongly help me with my time management.

Title Sequence - 8/2/16
Following my research, the next step was to start working on my title sequence.  The slide share that is located below are the steps of creation that I went through in order to end up with my completed title sequence. Each screen shot has a text box that clearly explains what I had done and the reasons for me doing them.

Here is the final title sequence that me and my partner created. After the creation of this title sequence we realised that the jingle that we had used was not copy right free, this means that we would have to go back and edit the title sequence and add an appropriate jingle that is copy right free.

Changing the News Jingle - 
After discussing the mark scheme with my teachers, we had identified that the title sequence news jingle had to be royalty free. Because of this I went online to to download royalty free news jingles that I could use instead of the copyrighted news jingle in my current title sequence.

Here is a screen shot of my partner signing up for the website, after my partner made an account I went through the website and found an appropriate News Jingle.

Here is my second and final attempt at the title sequence, in order to correct the problems that I had in my previous version I went on to and found a copyright free news jingle.

Making My Chroma Key - 9/2/16

1st Chroma Key - Apprenticeship Story:
Here is my first attempt at a Chroma Key for my first Local TV news story which consists of an interview with a young apprentice.  My partner and I decided that it would be beneficial to have an informative but interesting and aesthetically pleasing way of presenting our key information and statistics regarding the topic.  We decided that an animated Chroma Key would be the best way to do this. In order to create this Chroma Key I used Microsoft PowerPoint, a programme which I am very familiar with.  My first attempt, as can be seen below, was good but still had some flaws and following feedback, I looked to address these issues with another version of the Chroma Key.

Below is my amended Chroma Key.  I made a number of changes to the original version as detailed below:
  • Changed the font of the title to a much more appropriate and professional font
  • I also added a shadow effect to it to make it stand out more
  • I removed the boxes from the outside of my text and instead added a shadow effect as this looked more professional and also more aesthetically pleasing for the audience 
  • I added colour to the background as the lack of colour on the original Chroma Key looked dull.  However, with colour added to it, the backdrop of the Birmingham City Centre looked much more interesting and appealing. Overall, the second version of my Chroma Key is far better than the first due to it being much more clear, professional and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Finally I have added a blur effect to the background of the image to make the main point of the scenery, the town hall, stand out amongst the rest of the background.

2nd Chroma Key - Sports Story:
Here is the second chroma key that I have made for use during our sports story. This chroma key details the footballer that the story revolves around and then goes into a more in detail look at the club that he signed for.

Radio Advert - 16/3/16

This section will showcase the process that I undertook in order to produce my radio advert that will also be used in an attempt to attract viewers to my local news TV programme. Through use of a radio advert, I would be able  reach a new audience of people that may not otherwise have the opportunity to hear about my news.  It shows my ability to use convergence and synergy.  Below is the script that me and my partner followed while recording our radio advert.

Here is an image of me recording my radio advert using the technology that we had available to us in school. The equipment that I used to record this was of very high quality and I feel as if this comes out during the recording as the audio is very clear and sounds professional.

Here is a clip of me editing my radio advert together. The clip sees me add the audio from the recording to the software (Audacity) and then mix it with a news jingle that I found on YouTube. Then I finally adjust the audio volume of the 2 clips so that they are to an appropriate level.

Below is my first attempt the radio advert, I believe that all of the editing was very good and for a first attempt me and my partner did a decent job at creating a professional advertisement that could be used to try and draw more listeners to my TV News Broadcast. However there were a few issues that I will have to look to address in a second attempt, these issues consist of the jingle music not being copyright free and the voice of one of the anchors was not clear and enthusiastic enough, I will look to correct these issues.

Here is my second and final attempt at my Radio News Advert. In order to correct the problems that I had in my previous version I went on to and found a copyright free news jingle and then added that in. I also corrected the issue of one of my anchors not being clear and enthusiastic enough by doing a re-recording of the advert where me and my partner performed it a lot clearer and more more enthusiastically.

Recording Of My News Broadcast - 2/4/16

To record the main section of my news broadcast me and my classmates transformed the school drama hut into a TV news studio, here is a collage below of what the studio looked like before and during the filming of the segment.

This collage showcases a number of different aspects that went into our TV news studio and in order to properly showcase them all I will go in to detail on each section of the collage:
Props: The bottom left image of the collage shows an array of ties that we had available to us for the recording section of the day, the ties allowed me to chose a colour that would go well with my surroundings and house style that I was trying to create with my news broadcast and in doing so adding to the synergy of the programme.
Camera: There are 2 images located at the top right of the collage that show the camera that we used during the day of recording. The camera that we used was bought into us by an industry expert so going into it we know that the SLR camera that would be bought into us would be of very high quality and state of the art.
Soundboard: There is an image of a soundboard that I have imposed upon one of my camera images, the sound board allowed me to play music or other sounds into the room during the recording of my news segment.
Lights: The smaller image in the middle of the collage is of some industrial lights that we used throughout the recording of out news studio section of our report. The lights were adjustable and were placed behind the camera, this allowed me to change the brightness of the set in order to make me and my partner look more professional and appealing.
TV Screen: The image located in the bottom middle of the collage shows the screen that we had placed behind the 2 hosts throughout the recording section. We decided to play some scenic video of the city centre during the recording as this would allow the viewers to connect to more as the areas shown would be places that they see in their day to day life, by doing this our news show becomes more personal.
The images in the top left and the bottom right of the collage clearly portray all of the previously mentioned aspects working together to help me make my news studio section of my broadcast look professional, relate-able and as aesthetically appealing as possible.

Production Process of Final Broadcast - 12/4/16

Here are the back drops that we used with the green screen in order to add to our weather report.

Finally here are the name supers that we made in post production and then added in after the recording via our coral editing software.

Final Local TV News Programme -14/4/16

Here is where my first attempt at the local TV news broadcast and the actual final local TV news broadcast is located and there is also a prezi presentation is in this section that shows the steps I took in order to create the programme.

Here is my prezi presentation that shows the process that I had to go through in order to complete the editing of my final main task, the Local TV News Broadcast. The prezi consists of screenshots that I took while editing my broadcast, this shows a clear progression as I went from the raw clips that we recorded on the recording day to my final product.

Below is the first attempt, for our first attempt me and my partner were very happy with the outcome however there were still some issues that needed to be adjusted. For example the news supers look unprofessional and throughout our first news story we were also missing another scenic shot, we will look to correct these issues in our next attempt at the broadcast.

Here is our second and final attempt at the local TV news broadcast where me and my partner fixed the aforementioned issues that our first broadcast had.

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